Harry Potter Limited Edition confirms that his surname was misspelled "Veridian" in the film series. This is the quickest and most scenic option.The name Vindictus is derived from the Latin vindicta ("revenge") and the surname Viridian from the Latin viridis ("green"). Vindictus holy half wing set, Patricia lima hora do faro, Hazrat maula ali dargah, Smudging ceremony prayer. Potions: Professor Viridian was a highly accomplished and skilful Potioneer, as evidenced by several portraits of him brewing various potions.Dark Arts: Professor Viridian was highly proficient with curses, hexes and jinxes, and wrote a book which included such dark charms as the: Full Body-Bind Curse, Jelly-Legs Curse, Leg-Locker Curse, Pimple Jinx, Stickfast Hex, Tickling Hex, Tongue-Tying Curse and Hair Loss Curse.Disliking Myrtle, Viridian let Harry Potter and his friends through. In order to gain entry to the Room of Rewards, Hermione Granger threatened to convince Myrtle Warren to haunt the landing where the portrait hung. He was frequently annoyed by all the hustle and bustle of the students' school life. In the 1995-1996 school year, Viridian's portrait at the Grand Staircase was used to conceal the entrance to the Room of Rewards.

Two portraits of him hung at Hogwarts: one was painted in 1703 and hung in the Headmaster's office along with the portraits of other Headmasters and Headmistresses, and the other hung in the Grand Staircase. Professor Viridian died sometime in or prior to 1994. Professor Viridian's portrait in the Headmaster's office
He also published the book How to Tame Tigers. Also during his lifetime, he published a famous book on dark charms: Curses and Counter-Curses (Bewitch your Friends and Befuddle your Enemies with the Latest Revenges: Hair Loss, Jelly-Legs, Tongue-Tying and much, much more). At some point in his life, he was named Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Based on his portrait, Viridian was a potioneer.